Chris Tamdjidi

Germany & Abroad

Christopher studied Physics at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine/London and received an MBA from the University of Texas/Austin. He has trained in and practiced meditation and mindfulness for over 18 years and has guided courses and trainings in meditation, contemplation and leadership for over nine years. Chris is also involved in a research project with the University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) on the theme of meditation at the workplace—impact on stress reduction.

Initiator of one of the most comprehensive research projects worldwide on the effect of mindfulness in working life. In this context he lead and implemented mindfulness trainings in more than 25 large companies.

He worked for 6 years as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group (Munich, Kuala Lumpur, London) and is now director of the Kalapa Leadership Academy, Kalapa Hotels Ltd, SITA meditation, Upaya Ltd and operational manager of a training program for doctors and therapists. Born in 1970, he lives with his family in Cologne.


10 week program to establish mindfulness in working life

The aims of this training are to strengthen resilience, work satisfaction and constructive collaboration in teams and companies. The design of this training is based on our research project that we completed in 2013/2014 with 20 companies participating.

In the course of the training the participants learn 10 different mindfulness methods for their working life. The training encompasses 10 sessions across a period of 10 to 15 weeks. Most of the sessions take place in 2 ½ hours in the premises of the participating companies.

Organisations and companies of any size, that want to support the leaders and staff in establishing mindfulness and strengthen a collaborative culture. The training is suitable both for executives as well as team leaders and staff –we have even seen that a combination of the different levels is very fruitful in really establishing changes in the way we work together.

Executives, senior management, HR teams and project teams as well as departments or divisional groups.

We offer executive, team, goal and life balance coaching. Integrating mindfulness into the coaching process expands our perception and possibilities. In this form of coaching you will strengthen the following abilities and qualities:

  • Being present with yourself and resting your mind
  • Being sensitive to signals, perceiving which resonance is arising, understanding how to nurture insights and realization in oneself or teams
  • Speaking and listening mindfully
  • Perceiving with curiosity and without judgement
  • Sharpening perception and becoming more accurate in ones thinking

In such a coaching process we apply mindfulness based methods: meditation, body, breath and movement awareness exercises, mindful dialog, space awareness exercises. On this basis mindfulness based coaching can lead to a new attitude and range of perceptions.

Our trainers have a breadth of experience working with leadership teams in coaching, and have many years of training and experience in coaching.

2 year deepening training in mindfulness and authentic leadership

For leaders who have some experience with mindfulness and want to deepen this topic in their work as leaders.

  • Deepening the practice and experience of mindfulness and connected to this the abilities to manage stress in a creative manner and cultivate a sense of inner calm.
  • Extending the understanding of vitality, energy management and learning methods to support this in ones daily habits.
  • Deepening of self awareness and emotional intelligence and how to cultivate resonance in leadership
  • Deepening of mindfulness in communication, to strengthen an appreciative and collaborative leadership style
  • Applied mindfulness methods that can be used in team development, creativity work and conflict management.
  • Cultivation of a personal values compass and the ability to connect vision and inspiration with practice and daily working life

More information on the contents and the structure of this training can be received on request.

Mindfulness-based leadership seminars:
Introduction, Assessment, Development

In many organisations stress and and a hectic atmosphere are prevalent. In many industries cost pressures are relentless, and the growing complexity of complex value processes are hard to manage. There is little time to think things through carefully, and we have to ensure a high quality standard.

Taking time out is an important chance to slow down, to tune into ourselves and others. Time out seminars offer you the change to take your own pulse, get a sense of where you are and develop clarity for your next steps.

Our leadership seminars offer you a further opportunity to deepen your understanding of mindfulness in a working context your practice of mindfulness.

“People want to be led by someone ‘real.’ This is partly a reaction to the turbulent times we live in. It is also a response to the public’s widespread disenchantment with politicians and businesspeople. We all suspect that we’re being duped.”

Managing Authenticity, Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones – Harvard Business Review