Christopher studied Physics at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine/London and received an MBA from the University of Texas/Austin. He has trained in and practiced meditation and mindfulness for over 18 years and has guided courses and trainings in meditation, contemplation and leadership for over nine years. Chris is also involved in a research project with the University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) on the theme of meditation at the workplace—impact on stress reduction.
Initiator of one of the most comprehensive research projects worldwide on the effect of mindfulness in working life. In this context he lead and implemented mindfulness trainings in more than 25 large companies.
He worked for 6 years as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group (Munich, Kuala Lumpur, London) and is now director of the Kalapa Leadership Academy, Kalapa Hotels Ltd, SITA meditation, Upaya Ltd and operational manager of a training program for doctors and therapists. Born in 1970, he lives with his family in Cologne.